Pleinairist Monochromes, 2017.
Painting an oil landscape in the Nature, au plen air, and before it dries blurring it until you get a single uniform color. What results is a synthesis of a landscape.
A pleinairist monochrome. This way the work interrogates about what was, what is and what remains. The erasure is materialized in what seems to be the expression of emptiness; a free space, although not a lack of content. Otherwise: a space loaded with all the possibilities. And it is from there where the viewer reconstructs the history of the painting.
Photographs: Ultrachrome print on Photo Rag 188grs Hahnemühle paper mounted on dibond 2 mm.
30,3x43cm (Lakes) and 34x48,5cm (Galician landscapes). Ed 1+1AP.
Paintings: Oil on canvas, dif. sizes.
Pintar un paisaje al óleo en la naturaleza, au plen air, y antes de que seque emborronarlo hasta conseguir un único color uniforme. Lo que resulta es una síntesis. Un monocromo plenairista. De este modo la obra interroga lo que fue, lo que es y lo que sigue siendo ante el espectador. El borrado se concreta en lo que parece ser la expresión del vacío; un espacio libre, aunque no por ello carente de contenido. Al contrario: un espacio que está cargado de todas las posibilidades. Y es desde ahí desde donde el espectador reconstruye la historia del cuadro.
Fotografías: Copia Ultrachorme en papel Photo Rad 188grs de Hahnemühle montado sobre dibond de 2mm.30,3x43cm (Lagos) y 34x48,5cm (Paisajes gallegos). Ed 1+1PA.
Pinturas: Óleo sobre lienzo, diferentes dimensiones.
Five lakes of Madison.
Monochrome paintings from the five lakes near the city of Madison (WI, US): Mendota, Monona, Wingra, Waubesa and Kegonsa. -
Lake Mendota, 28/06/2017, Wisconsin, (US).
Lake Kegonsa, 27/06/2017, Wisconsin, (US).
Lake Monona, 01/07/2017 and Lake Wingra, 30/06/2017, Wisconsin, (US).
Lake Waubesa, 29/06/2017, Oil on canvas, 16x24cm, side-view.
Painting "Lake Kegonsa, 27/06/2017", Wisconsin, (US).
"Pico Sacro, 15/02/2017", Galicia, (SP).
Galician landscapes in winter.
Monochrome paintings from galician landscapes, specifically they were made during the winter (2017) near the artist’s studio. -
"Monte Oleirón, 13/02/2017", Galicia, (SP).
"Campos de O Piñeiro, 10/02/2017", Oil on canvas, 24,4x19,1cm.
"Casa en O Piñeiro, 10/02/2017", and "Prado en Gosende, 17/02/2017", Galicia, (SP).
Painting "Pico Sacro, 15/02/2017", Galicia, (SP).