Caer y rodar (Fall and roll), 2018.
In the center of the Vila Fidalga there is a small patio with green walls and a small but dense garden. In it is a tangerine tree which every so often seems to remind us about its existence. The event is somewhat insignificant, yet a certain relevance is sensed through its very persistence. It is impossible to distinguish a pattern, but every once in a while a tangerine falls and rolls on the ground, which has a subtle but effective slope. The next day Mr. Bahia picks up all the fallen tangerines and throws them in the garbage can. Apparently they are not in the rightful place.
Sansivieras, Drácenas, Dieffenbachias, Scheffleras, Monsteras and Kentias are easily and spontaneously found in the streets of São Paulo, but here these plants have other names, another history. For any European these are domestic, indoor plants, and the opposite seems improbable and remote. Feel surprised to see them now outside is to recognize a certain degree of myopia and rethink their true location, if it makes any sense nowadays to speak of what is 'true' or 'authentic'.
During a visit to the MASP I find levitating an oil painting by the Dutch Frans Post titled Landscape with a boa, I can not find the boa but a pineapple that stands out among the bush in the lower left corner. From the corner that pineapple reminds us that this landscape is indeed Brazilian, and not Dutch as it might seem according to everything else. And it is that Post painted this and many other Brazilian landscapes from Haarlem, his hometown. The tropical vegetation with which he lived during the eight years of his expedition to the colonial Brazil under the command of Count Maurice de Nassau - Dutch governor known as The Brasilian - must have made a great impression on him, because he did not stop representing it despite the Northern cold.
Back to the Fidalga’s patio, a tangerine falls and rolls.
Site-specific: plants, furniture, book sheets, tangerines and acrylic paint on walls.
En el centro de la Vila Fidalga hay un pequeño patio de paredes verdes con un reducido pero tupido jardín. En él se encuentra un mandarino que cada cierto tiempo parece querer recordarnos su existencia. El acontecimiento es en cierto modo insignificante, pero de su obstinada insistencia se intuye cierta relevancia. Resulta imposible distinguir un patrón, pero cada cierto tiempo una mandarina cae y rueda por el suelo, que tiene una sutil pero efectiva pendiente. Al día siguiente el señor Bahia recoge todas las mandarinas caídas y las tira al cubo de basura. Al parecer no están en el sitio que les corresponde.
Sansivieras, Drácenas, Dieffenbachias, Scheffleras, Monsteras y Kentias se encuentran con facilidad y de manera espontánea por las calles de São Paulo, pero aquí estas plantas tienen otros nombres y otra historia. Para cualquier europeo éstas son plantas domésticas, de interior, y lo contrario parece improbable y remoto. Sorprenderse al verlas ahora en el exterior supone reconocer cierto grado de miopía y repensar su verdadera ubicación, si es que tiene algún sentido hoy en día hablar de lo ‘verdadero’ o ‘auténtico’.
En una visita al MASP encuentro levitando un óleo del holandés Frans Post titulado Paisagem con jíboia, no encuentro la jíboia pero sí una piña que destaca entre la mata de la esquina inferior izquierda. Desde la esquina esa piña nos recuerda que ese paisaje efectivamente es brasileño, y no holandés como pudiera parecer por todo lo demás. Y es que Post pintó este y tantos otros paisajes brasileños desde Haarlem, su ciudad natal. La vegetación tropical con la que convivió durante los ocho años que duró su expedición al Brasil colonial a las órdenes del conde Mauricio de Nassau –gobernador holandés conocido como El Brasileño– debió de causarle una gran impresión, porque ya no dejó de representarla a pesar del frío septentrional.
De vuelta al patio de Fidalga, una mandarina cae y rueda.
Site-specific: plantas, mobiliario, hojas de libro, mandarinas y pintura acrílica sobre pared.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.
Caer y rodar. Installation view at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, BR, 2018.