on what is left, 2019.
on what is left is a series of organic monochrome paintings made only with the ashes of trees - victims of the wild fires which ravaged the region of Galicia in northwest of Spain and Portugal during October of 2017.
The artist collected this material from the burned forests of Galicia in Spain, where she lives. Using only this material and a transferring technique without the usage of brushes and other painting related tools, she has produced a series of monochrome paintings that evoke an experience somewhere between complete absorption and absolute absence. It is the process of reduction that enables concentration and the encounter with the infinite perceptions evoked by black and its shades. It has been conceptually important for Grau to realize all the paintings in horizontal position and on the floor. For her the contact with the ground functions as a link with the place where the ashes were found; on the soil. The paintings have all a vertical format creating the link with the forest. The density of the forest and the brutality of the referred events is almost absent in the works. The reduced and abstract paintings function more as a stimulus, evoking rather a perception of calmness where contemplation can take place. Through the absence and that seemingly less of what is left the viewer is challenged to create its own perceptions and associations.
The paintings, combined with other elements like photography and video, are realized with an awareness about the gallery space. The ultimate layer where the work of irene grau is finalized is in this case the exhibitions space. Where the viewer is invited to deal with a situation and not only with the works.
* Extract of the exhibition text at Galerie Heike Strelow in Frankfurt, March 2019.
sobre lo que resta es un proyecto desarrollado a lo largo de año y medio a partir de un paseo por los bosques de Tourón, Galicia, arrasados tras los incendios de octubre de 2017. Partiendo del escenario de desolación resultante de las acciones humanas que especulan con la tierra, el bosque autóctono y la producción de madera, Irene traslada esa idea de reducción del paisaje al campo pictórico.
Para ello, utiliza únicamente las cenizas recogidas y las transfiere a la superficie del lienzo a partir de técnicas indirectas que a su vez responden metodológicamente a la idea de lo que resta. Generando una serie de pinturas monocromas orgánicas que, conceptual y formalmente, traducen las relaciones del hombre con su entorno y de la artista con su proceso creativo marcado por la exploración y acción espacial, a través de elementos performativos en su concepción y ejecución.
En contacto directo con el suelo y presentando todas ellas un formato vertical, las pinturas conectan de manera paralela con la horizontalidad del terreno, el lugar en el que se depositan las cenizas, y con la verticalidad estructural del bosque, reducido ahora a sus restos. La pintura es aquí lo que resta, no sólo del bosque sino también del propio proceso pictórico, en una constante reducción material que desgasta la superficie y la acerca a aquello que está a punto de ser nada. Un gesto que finalmente replantea los territorios por los cuales se conciben las obras, abriendo al espectador la posibilidad de conectar, contemplar y cuestionar tanto sus procesos políticos y sociales, como las acciones artísticas.
* Extracto del texto de la exposición realizada en la galería Nieves Fernández en Madrid, en abril de 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. (painting detail)
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.
on what is left. Installation view at Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE, 2019.